Top Beat


Album cover for Top Beat.  Drum set and bold red lettering.

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Back drop of three-tiered band stage for Top Beat.  Large pictures of crows by Steve Crossett.

Crows by Steve Crossett

Song list, cast members and credits for Top Beat.

click on image for album lyrics

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Musical Numbers

Another Opening ~ Another Show


a musical conspiracy

written & directed by



Tin Roof Theater
The Red Cup)
Oklahoma City, OK
1998 / 1999

The Sooner Theater
Norman, OK

Roger I. Lienke 1922-2013 visiting the  Top Beat set.

Dad visits the set
at the Tin Roof Theater


The Synopsis

Top Beat is a "musical conspiracy" presented as a revue of spoken and sung numbers that tells a story. The show is set in l951 and serves as a mythical history of a band that never was: Carmen Metropolis and Onsombo

 Having vacated New York City (the home of bebop jazz), the group has made its way to the Hotel Clayton in downtown Minneapolis to anchor the nightspot Deep Treble, located in the hotel basement. Within a hybrid form of non-backbeat-centered rhythm and blues (pre-dating rock and roll), the group is grappling with a new rhythmic sound, the "top beat". 

While the more familiar backbeat is in process of becoming institutionalized, the top beat is fated to submergence and obscurity. The avenue for impact open to the top beat then inclines towards the inescapable present rather than to the desire for posterity. Thus, Top Beat features elements of dissent, recovery and innovation, and suggests in turn the losses, conflicts and inspirations encountered by those compelled by initiatives outside the mainstream. 

The plight of Carmen Metropolis and Onsombo is an allegory for the plight of spontaneity and diversity in a culture tending toward homogeneity and unconscious conformity. Embedded in the chemistry and tensions between its central characters are sexual and philosophical questions that, viewed via the time framework of the early 1950s, reflect value struggles as pertinent to today as to tomorrow.

Cast and staff page from original playbill for Top Beat.
Roger W Lienke as a beatnik on the set of Top Beat.

The set of Top Beat at the Tin Roof Theater

Musical numbers page from the original playbill for Top Beat.
Director's Note and Acknowledgements page from the original playbill for Top Beat.